Saturday, April 20, 2013

Disney Day 1

 You know that the day is starting off right when you can have a Mickey cookie for breakfast!  Totally broke the rules but we figured we were on vacation!
 The first place we headed was to Radiator Springs and Racers of course!  The line was over two hours long and you were a total trouper.  That was the longest that we waited for anything, thank goodness!

 You and Daddy won this Dumbo stuffie playing a watergun game on the Midway.  You loved it!
Right before this photo you said "Mommy, take a picture of me and Dumbo."!!!
 After a full day at the park we found this place in Downtown Disney after dinner.  It was like the Build-A-Bear concept but with cars.  Needless to say you were in heaven.  We chose your frame, wheels, and all sorts of options and then got to put it together like a real mechanic!  We made several trips to this store over our stay...

At the end of the evening we had gelato and as we were walking back to the shuttle you said "This was the best day of my life."  Sniff.

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