Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Mommy and Charlie

 Mommy's happy little baby!  You are such a doll.
Six teeth and they are sharp!  Sometimes when I'm feeding you you bite me and boy does that sting!
Unfortunately you bite yourself too (tongue and fingers both) and end up screaming at the dinner table.  Poor baby!

 Sweet face :)

Look at you stand!

Charlie you are so close to walking I can't believe it!  You are only ten months old and you are cruising like nobody's business!  You are such a solid little guy.  Everyone says that the second child develops so much faster physically and boy does it seem to be true.  You just want to keep up with big brother Will I guess!

Parksville Park

 We had a sunny (but still chilly) day last week on Mommy's day off so we all went to the Parksville park and had some fun.  Charlie really likes the swing.  Will really likes climbing.


Kinsley's Birthday Party!

 Kinsley had an ever-so-popular paint splatter party at 4Cats last weekend and you of course had a blast.
You all went into the paint room and made a beauty of a painting for Kinsley to take home.
After the paint splattering they do a little spiral art and you really liked that.

 Tongue out and all!

Play time

 We are getting closer and closer to having the two of you play together and it`s really fun to watch.  Right now Charlie is mostly an observer and really takes an interest in watching Will`s activities.  Sometimes he will reach out to touch a ball or knock over some blocks but Will is basically running the show.  I am starting to see a little bit of interacting though between the two of you and I think things will move quickly along those lines from here on in.  Actually the cutest thing happened the other day when Will was up on the couch and Charlie was standing up and holding Will`s hands.  Will was singing and moving Charlie`s hand back and forth and I said "Will, when do you think you and Charlie are going to be able to play together?" and he said "We're playin' right now Mama."

Aspengrove Gala!

Geez, Mommy and Daddy sure do clean up nice!  Last weekend was our first Aspengrove Gala and we got all dressed up for it.  The school raised $85,000 during the night and a good time was had by all!

Will and I take on 4Cats!

Last week you and I took a Renoir class at the 4Cats art studio in Lantzville.  I picked you up after school and we had dinner at the mall (fancy) and then we headed over.  We made a masterpiece and it was so much fun!

More of Four!

Even Charlie got to have some cake on Will`s special day and boy was he a fan!  Surprise, surprise.
 Will saw this water table at Costco on one of our trips and really took a liking to it.  I had told him that maybe if he still wanted it he should mention it to Grandma when she comes.  Well I guess it really stuck with him because that`s what he did and here it is!

 A scooter too!  Thanks Grandma and Papa!

Will turns Four!

 Grandma and Papa were here to celebrate your fourth birthday this year and spoiled you silly.  Since Daddy and I took you to Disneyland for your birthday this year, we really counted on them to have things for you to open. And boy did they!!
Roller blades!
 New cars, your favourite!

 And of course and Lightening McQueen and Mater cake!

Jessie and Mickey!

Fun!  We got a photopass for the park where we gave our card to every photog we came across and they snapped some pics for us to download later.  Super easy!
 They got some great shots for us!

This picture with Mickey is a very special story.  A moment before this picture you had been climbing (of course) on the concrete ledge behind you and fallen.  You were wailing and crying, a total mess.  I thought we`d never get a good picture with you and Mickey and we should move on.  I said `Honey, there are people waiting` but Mickey shook his head and made a gesture to say don`t worry Mom and went to work on you.  He made jokes and goofed around and got you smiling, it was incredible!  He couldn`t even talk but he was amazing and got you happy again in a snap!  I couldn`t believe my eyes!  Best shot of the day!
As we walked away I said `Good job Mickey!` Wish I knew who to write a letter too, it was such a special moment and memory.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Filmore's, The Cozy Cone and Mater's Junkyard Jamboree

 What a cute photo this turned out to be at Filmore's!
And we just had to get a shot of you at the Cozy Cone Motel!

 Another favourite ride turned out to be Mater's Junkyard Jamboree.  Weeee!

The Lego Store and the Rainforest Cafe

 Daddy took you to the Lego store while we waited for our reservation at the Rainforest Cafe.  He said it was incredible, and there were lots of things for you to play with.  Serious tongue came out!
Look at that wall of Legos!

 The Rainforest Cafe was super fun and you were really obsessed with a pair of elephants that were behind us that would trumpet now and then.  Cute!
After this we went to watch the fireworks.  Another perfect day!


 This ride turned out to be the unlikely favourite of the trip.  Astroblasters had a consistently small line and was a big entertainer.  You could sit three (max) to a car but there are only two guns and it is our job to help take out the bad guys (Blurg, that means you).
At the end you get a score and that only adds to the fun!
 Daddy really got into it:

 You are going through a gun phase right now so that explains why your were drawn to this ride.

 Sharp shooters!

Autopia, Space Mountain and the Haunted House

 On Day Two we went to Disneyland proper to see what it had to offer.  We headed straight to Autopia because we thought that would be up your alley and it was.  Then we hit up Space Mountain (!!!) which you totally took in stride.

 Note Mommy screaming her guts out and you looking cool, calm and collected...

 Then we headed to the Haunted House where James Franco budded in front of us.

 PS you did NOT enjoy the Haunted House.

Disney Day 1

 You know that the day is starting off right when you can have a Mickey cookie for breakfast!  Totally broke the rules but we figured we were on vacation!
 The first place we headed was to Radiator Springs and Racers of course!  The line was over two hours long and you were a total trouper.  That was the longest that we waited for anything, thank goodness!

 You and Daddy won this Dumbo stuffie playing a watergun game on the Midway.  You loved it!
Right before this photo you said "Mommy, take a picture of me and Dumbo."!!!
 After a full day at the park we found this place in Downtown Disney after dinner.  It was like the Build-A-Bear concept but with cars.  Needless to say you were in heaven.  We chose your frame, wheels, and all sorts of options and then got to put it together like a real mechanic!  We made several trips to this store over our stay...

At the end of the evening we had gelato and as we were walking back to the shuttle you said "This was the best day of my life."  Sniff.