Wednesday, December 19, 2012

I love food!

 Oh dear!  Well at least it looks like we'll have one big eater for a son....
You do love your food and eat A LOT!  You love sweet potatoes and fruit not so much.  I think you find it tart.  At any rate you make a face.
But sweet potatoes and avocadoes are much loved by you.
We just got this high chair for you to feed you in and so that you could be up at our level.  But I still prefer to feed you in the bouncer because when we feed you in the chair this happens.
You grab at the spoon and try and stick it in your mouth and end up painting your face with it.  For some reason you don't grab at the spoon in the low bouncer...
Oh well, the high chair will be great for when you're doing finger foods.  Which at this rate should be tomorrow...

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