Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Bye bye Doggies

Due to Will's allergies to the dogs we needed to find another home for them.  Grandma and Papa graciously offered to take them for sure while they find another home for them.  It's the end of an era.  We had these dogs before we even had the kids!
Barney has already been adopted by a lovely couple called Bob and Heather.  They are retired and have Ming, a female shih-tzu for Barney to play with.  Barney is essentially replacing their "Benny" who passed on a few weeks ago and the couple just fell in love with him.
Maggie is still at Grandma's house and is thriving while we find a home for her.  I'm sure someone will snap her up shortly, she is such a sweet and small little babe.
We miss you Mags and Barna!

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