Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Will's Christmas Concert

Last night Daddy and I went to watch your first Christmas Concert!  You sang a song abour being Santa's Little Helpers and you rang a bell.  I couldn't hear you singing but your lips were moving so I think you were.  My favourite part was at the end when you took a bow!  So sweet!
Can't wait for next year!  Oh and we can't wait until we can see you both up there and enjoy two classes worth of songs.  Daddy and I felt so grown up attending our son's concert!  It was a milestone for us too.  I remember being the one up on the stage and my parents watching me.  It wasn't THAT long ago....!
Way to go Will, you did such a great job.  What a risk taker!

Sweater Party

 This year we threw a sweater party and had all of our friends over to celebrate Christmas before things get crazy with family and other plans.  We sparkled in our tackiest of course.  But Lucien took home the prize due to his skin tight elf sweater that I wish we had photos of!
Charlie dazzled in his tacky, itchy diaper cover.  And Daddy was gorgeous in poinsettias!
Will's sweater had a large Christmas tree with actual ornaments on it and Mommy's had lots of embellishments so tacky it made me blush!
All in all the party was a success I think!

Macleans and Mommy

Macleans recently featured an article on Botox in Dentistry and Mommy wrote a letter to the editor in reference to it.  They liked it so much they published it!
So Mommy had it framed and hung it in the office for all to see!  Way to go Mommy! 

Brotherly love

This is the sweetest photo I have ever seen or could ever hope to get of the two of you.  Can you imagine just getting this moment on film!!
I love the way you both are looking at eachother adoringly.  I can't stop looking at it.  It is just too precious for words.
It makes me think back to my pregnancy and all of the hard days when I coached myself along by saying "I'm making two best friends."  I think I was right!

Our little elf!

 Need I say more!  You are always so happy, this was an easy photo to capture.  You are literally always smiling and gleeful!  We love you so much Chuckie baby!  You light up our lives!

Putting up the lights!

This weekend Daddy and Will went outside and put up our lights.  SO exciting!  It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!  Good job guys!

I love food!

 Oh dear!  Well at least it looks like we'll have one big eater for a son....
You do love your food and eat A LOT!  You love sweet potatoes and fruit not so much.  I think you find it tart.  At any rate you make a face.
But sweet potatoes and avocadoes are much loved by you.
We just got this high chair for you to feed you in and so that you could be up at our level.  But I still prefer to feed you in the bouncer because when we feed you in the chair this happens.
You grab at the spoon and try and stick it in your mouth and end up painting your face with it.  For some reason you don't grab at the spoon in the low bouncer...
Oh well, the high chair will be great for when you're doing finger foods.  Which at this rate should be tomorrow...

Bye bye Doggies

Due to Will's allergies to the dogs we needed to find another home for them.  Grandma and Papa graciously offered to take them for sure while they find another home for them.  It's the end of an era.  We had these dogs before we even had the kids!
Barney has already been adopted by a lovely couple called Bob and Heather.  They are retired and have Ming, a female shih-tzu for Barney to play with.  Barney is essentially replacing their "Benny" who passed on a few weeks ago and the couple just fell in love with him.
Maggie is still at Grandma's house and is thriving while we find a home for her.  I'm sure someone will snap her up shortly, she is such a sweet and small little babe.
We miss you Mags and Barna!