Saturday, March 19, 2011

A trip to Edibles Farm

Today we four went out to Edibles Farm to see what they have on offer for us each season. We are so new to Nanoose so we're trying out all the local attractions so we can really feel like locals! They were having a Family Day at the farm so it was the perfect opportunity.

First, we explored the chicken coop (STINKY) where they collect all of their fresh eggs. Grandma says that this is how eggs looked in the 70s when I was growing up. Sort of having a rough shell and irregular shape. I guess even things in eggs have changed.
I am most excited about being able to buy local, organic produce for us, and to know that the chickens are walking about freely and not kept in tight quarters as we sometimes hear. I think it would be amazing if we could have you eating organic food for the bulk of your diet.
Next we went to the potting shed where we watched a bean being planted into the sea soil from the farm. We will have to do a less messy experiment at home...

We even found a swing for you and Daddy to play on!

Edibles has a program where you can buy eight weeks of produce baskets each season. They are available for pick-up each week and each week the baskets are different, full of their fruits, herbs and veggies. We will be signing up for sure!

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