Saturday, March 19, 2011

Giamma comes to visit!

You caught a cold a few weeks back and you gave us quite a scare. Mommy took you to the doctor every week for three weeks now and an ear infection seemed to be the culprit but it never seemed to resolve even though you had been on antibiotics for 2 weeks. Then you started to develop this awful cough and this wheexing noise that sounded like it was coming from the we went for a third check to see what was up and the doctor told us to go straight to the hospital to see the pediatrician on call. Mommy has never been so scared.
Grandma booked a flight and Daddy met us at the hospital where they did a work up on you which we tried to make as much fun as possible and we got 2 chest xrays on you as well. It turns out that you are pneumonia-free and healthy again now but I think I aged 10 years in the process...

Now that Grandma (or should I say GIAHHHMA) is here things are great! You get to go on excursions daily and do all sorts of fun things! We found 2 great gyms where you can do gymnastcis and Grandma says you love it AND you are excellent at it from what Daddy and I can see. You know how to put your tail out (where you are on all fours and stick a leg out behind you) and you can do the spider which is super impressive where you back up against the wall in a downward dog sort of pose and then walk your feet up the wall backwards into a sort of handstand! I couldn't believe my eyes!

Grandma says that the teachers at Flipside Gymnastics are amazing and really spend a lot of time with you. You love the trampoline and the tumbling mat best, and you can even support your own weight on the rings!

We love that Grandma is here now so that you can do so many fun things during the week! Thank goodness for Grandmas!

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