Tuesday, February 10, 2015


What a lovely photo with Santa.  Every year I put out all of our photos withe the big guy in order since Will was just a baby.  This has got to be the sweetest one yet.
We had just come from a Christmas brunch with friends at the golf course and stopped in to get pictures.  When you boys were on Santa's lap he asked what you both wanted and Will was extremely thorough with his wish list naming off a number of things he was interested in this year - a BMX bike, helmet, guitar, Transformer (Bumblebee in particular), Pokemon's Charizard Mega EX card, an iPod touch...
When Santa turned to Charlie and asked what you would like for Christmas you said "blue ball."  He asked if there was anything else you would like other than that you shook your head and repeated "blue ball".  Blue is your favourite colour and you really enjoy playing catch right now.  My little doll.  We told the story to all of our family and on Christmas day you got a half dozen (mostly) blue balls of every variety.
Will got his BMX bike and helmet, clothes, books, toys of all sorts and was definitely spoiled.  Charlie got a new Ipad and his own helmet and gloves although Will's glider bike will be just perfect for you this year.

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