Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Mount Washington Lessons

 Every Sunday for 10 weeks Will is signed up for morning ski lessons. This week Daddy and I went up and took Charlie tubing while you went off for your lesson.  Char loved it!
There are so many kids from Aspengrove there every weekend and even from your class it's like a little reunion.

 We took Olivia up with us this week and Char just loved that.  Olivia is his first crush.

Paddington Movie!

Last Sunday we went to see the matinee showing of the Paddington movie.  It was Charlie's first movie theatre experience and you did really well.  The theatre was actually so packed that we had to sit in two double seats along the edge.  You wanted to switch seats with Will a few times and got restless toward the end but for most of the movie you were amazing.
We got both you and Will little popcorn and drinks, adorable!
Nice work Coopers!

International Day

I had ordered shirts for you and I which said Hungary on them but they didn't arrive on time, so we represented Canada at International Day.  It happened to be on a Thursday so I volunteered to come in and help serve food.  You were so excited to see me there and I try to volunteer for anything I'm available for.  You, Matthew and Tye are thick as theives.

Great-Grandpa in the hospital

Your great-grandpa, who is 94, has been sick in the hospital for over a month.  He was admitted due to dehydration and once there contracted C Difficile which sent him into quarantine and lengthened his stay.  He was released once cleared and this photo was taken just before he returned home, thinner but recovered from his infection.  I thought it was a really special photo.  We're glad you're better Grandpa!

Working on our fitness

You were really into jogging a few times with me in Mexico.  No matter how much I try to wear you out nothing affects your activity level however...


What a lovely photo with Santa.  Every year I put out all of our photos withe the big guy in order since Will was just a baby.  This has got to be the sweetest one yet.
We had just come from a Christmas brunch with friends at the golf course and stopped in to get pictures.  When you boys were on Santa's lap he asked what you both wanted and Will was extremely thorough with his wish list naming off a number of things he was interested in this year - a BMX bike, helmet, guitar, Transformer (Bumblebee in particular), Pokemon's Charizard Mega EX card, an iPod touch...
When Santa turned to Charlie and asked what you would like for Christmas you said "blue ball."  He asked if there was anything else you would like other than that you shook your head and repeated "blue ball".  Blue is your favourite colour and you really enjoy playing catch right now.  My little doll.  We told the story to all of our family and on Christmas day you got a half dozen (mostly) blue balls of every variety.
Will got his BMX bike and helmet, clothes, books, toys of all sorts and was definitely spoiled.  Charlie got a new Ipad and his own helmet and gloves although Will's glider bike will be just perfect for you this year.

Soccer photo

Had to include this beauty.  What a handsome boy :)

Our first Yellowpoint Christmas Spectacular

Every year a small theatre in Cedar puts on the Yellowpoint Christmas Spectacular.  We had heard from a few friends that it is quite a show so this year we tried it out.  It really was lovely with Kenny Rogers, West Side Story, Jazz, Rock and Roll and Disco numbers.  Fun!

Skating at the NIC

Will got to do skating lessons again this year as part of his school outings.  Certain Thursdays the class went to the NIC by bus and you love it.
You do very well at skating, of course you do you're very "fletic" as we know ;)

Mommy and Daddy's Christmas Party!

 Hey, we like to have fun too!
You know, the whole family slogan and all ;).

Charlie's First Trip to the Dentist!

 We know that your first visit to the dentist's office should have been by one year but given that you have to dentist parents at home we kinda slacked off on this one, hahaha!
We get to check you out every night of course, but we felt like it was time to do the introduction to being at the office and familiarize you with what goes on when you visit.  You were amazing!
Will definitely helped out by going first.  He modeled excellent behaviour for you while he had his teeth polished and checked and then had a fluoride treatment (no bws today).  Mommy held you and watched Will and talked all about what the assistant was doing as she went.  By the time it was your turn you were ready to go!  No fussing whatsoever and a wide open, big like a tiger!
What a champ!