Tuesday, June 17, 2014

The Longest Travel Day EVER

 On Wednesday, May14th we left for our trip to San Diego that we have been looking forward to for months!  We got up at a reasonable hour and made the 10am ferry so that we could make our early afternoon flight out of Van.  The ferry was quite uneventful but when we arrived at the airport we learned that our flight had been delayed, and delayed and delayed.  Every time I looked at the monitor it was delayed another half hour.  We walked around the terminal over and over again looking at anything you boys were interested in and playing on the little indoor playgrounds.  
We began to worry that we'd miss our connection in San Francisco.  We tried everything but in the end we came to terms with that we would miss our connection and would be staying in SF for the night.

 Once we were finally on our flight (after spending the entire day travelling) we arrived in San Francisco where the agent gave us a flyer to call a 1-800 number that would direct us to an airport hotel.  When I called the number at 11pm I was told that all hotels were sold out!  I have travelled the world and really thought this was going to be the one time we'd be stuck at the airport for the night and with two babes!
I started to call other hotels on our own while Daddy kept looking for our bags that would never arrive.  I finally found a hotel downtown that had a single room at an atrocious price but we had no car seats!  Daddy managed to wrangle a pair of seats from airport staff and finally discovered that our bags had gone on to San Diego without us.  They gave us a little bag with one toothbrush and paste and we got into a cab in the middle of the night tired and hungry!
We had no extra clothes and were running low on diapers, Will literally slept naked.  He was OK with it, ha!

 We emerged the following morning in our stained clothes ready for the second leg of our flight!

 In reasonable spirits, considering!

 In San Diego finally!
Let the vacation begin!

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