Monday, June 23, 2014

Aaron's Birthday Party at the Cottage


Mickey 200

More Disney Cruise

 The Castaway Party is one of the highlights of the trip and we loved it!  We have the cutest videos of you guys dancing around the top deck and waving your streamers!

 Bye bye San Diego!

Windy out!

 Watching dolphins swimming in our wake!

 Our first night's show in Mickey pjs!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

The Wonder!

 Ready to board!
The Castaway Party!!

 Pure Joy!!

Wrapping up in San Diego

 We had so much fun at Legoland on our last day in San Diego!

 Afterwards we went out for Mexican food and made a trip to the beach in Carlsbad.  The food was yummy and the beach stretched for miles!

 So sad to leave this awesome city but super excited to be on the Wonder again!

 Great family shot!

More Legoland

 More trains!
This splash pad was definitely the hit of the day.  We were in San Diego in a total heat wave.  It was in the 90s which is crazy for May.  I can't blame you boys for really getting into this!  I just wish I had brought extra clothes!
Charlie figured out that if you stomp on these pads they spurt water and he was having a ball with it!

 So much fun!

 Driving a real Lego car!

 Playing a toss the ball into a coloured cup game.
A win!


 Everyone had said that we should visit Legoland while in San Diego.  I was skeptical about this park since I couldn't think of what we could do all day long, but boy was I impressed!  This really rivalled Disneyland in terms of attractions and rides, we just loved it!

 The Lego Movie came out this year.  This is right before Charlie kicked this man in the shins and his handler had to step in...

 Farmer Will!

 A Lego train ride for Charlie!

More Zoo

 So adorable.  At times Charlie won't hold anyone's hand but Will's.
A Will Koala!

 Will and Mommy did a VIP experience and got to pet a rhino!

 Not sure what this was again, but it sure was soft!

San Diego Zoo

 On Day two we went to see the world-famous San Diego Zoo.  As we all know, Daddy loves the zoo.  This elephant topiary was awesome!

 The Reptile House was our first stop and you boys loved those slimy things.  Personally I couldn't wait to move on...