Monday, May 12, 2014

Will is 5

 I cannot believe that my little guy is FIVE!  This birthday was much-anticipated, you could barely contain yourself for weeks!
Your Birthday fell on a Saturday this year and we had a lovely family day together with gifts and quality time.  Your party was on the following day so this was a little bit of calm for us before the big action!

 You got so many fun gifts from family on the day and one special one in particular; a drum set!  You love it!  We have been working on beginner beats and you are learning how to master them!  Once you perfect one beat we go back onto Youtube and find the next one and start working on that.  You are amazing!  
I was so impressed with you I sent a video of you drumming to Mrs Hill, your music teacher at school and she thought it was absolutely unbelievable that you could maintain the rhythm for this 

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