Monday, May 12, 2014

The Gala

 We had a fun time at the Aspengrove Gala again this year! Mommy got a little silly with Sheri taking the photos...but I made Sheri promise to just send the silly ones to us!
The school was raising money for an outdoor sport court and playground this year so that was something we could really get on board with since I know two boys who will get lots of use out of those!
They did raise the money in the end and we're looking forward to seeing the building start!
Oh, and The Cooper Family won the live auction for the VIP parking at the big school for the whole of next year, yay!

Sheri's Super Hero Photos!

Mother's Day!

 A perfect Mother's Day!
It all started with Will waking me up with "breakfast in bed."  Otherwise known as dry bran buds but I loved it.  Then we headed out to the Cedar Farmer's Market where Charlie met every single dog there and got to know them on a very personal basis.
And Mommy got this beautiful juicer/blender/processor as a gift for being a Mommy!  Thanks guys!

Charlie's Funny Faces

 Snickering at who knows what.
Super proud with himself!
 Starting our cottage tradition at Cuckoo!

Some things we've been up to lately

 Whenever it's sunny on Mommy's Wednesday off we try to head outside.  This is at Beban Park where you had my spin you until I got dizzy!
Aunt Katie and Uncle Mike in Toronto sent you two these beautiful paintable chocolate Easter eggs.  SO sweet!

 On Easter weekend we hiked the Notch for the first time.  It only took us over two years to get around to this...

 At Oliver Woods after school.  Stretch!

We are getting ready for cottage time!

 This year we decided to take out a few trees along the shore line before we start the cottage season, and boy did it make a difference to our view!!
It's hard to believe we had been that blocked in by the trees before.  There is so much more light in the yard and we still have all the privacy we need.  Amazing!
 Playing a classic:

 Beach gardening!

 We were so lucky to have a burst of heat in early April!

 So excited for cottage season!

Flipside Gymnastics

 We signed you both up for a Saturday class at the new Flipside Gymnastics in Errington.  They are running a 5-7yo class and a tots class so it was perfect!
Will never ceases to impress his coach with what he can already do, but Charlie is largely unaware that there is an actual class going on.  Charlie's class mostly involves Mommy or Daddy or both chasing Charlie around all of the play structures and trampolines for an hour.

 Look at this face!

 Trampolines and tumble mat are favourites:

 A little fun outside before class:

Will is 5

 I cannot believe that my little guy is FIVE!  This birthday was much-anticipated, you could barely contain yourself for weeks!
Your Birthday fell on a Saturday this year and we had a lovely family day together with gifts and quality time.  Your party was on the following day so this was a little bit of calm for us before the big action!

 You got so many fun gifts from family on the day and one special one in particular; a drum set!  You love it!  We have been working on beginner beats and you are learning how to master them!  Once you perfect one beat we go back onto Youtube and find the next one and start working on that.  You are amazing!  
I was so impressed with you I sent a video of you drumming to Mrs Hill, your music teacher at school and she thought it was absolutely unbelievable that you could maintain the rhythm for this 

Will's Super Hero Birthday Party!

 The cutest invite ever!
At the party with two of your besties, Olivia and Tye:

 All of the spoils!

 The day was a huge success!

Sandy Shores

 I signed you up for skating this spring on Wednesday evenings at 5.  You have been steadily improving each week and are now at the point where you can easily glide under structures and are getting much more confident!
It really works up your appetite too!
First this happened:

 So you got this:
(Okay with a little help from Mommy)

Mommy Curls!

Okay I'm not exactly pro yet but Andrea got us out on the sheet to throw some stones around and get a feel for things and it was fun!  We're thinking of getting a team together for Mondays in the fall.  I would personally love to get into this sport, it was fun!  Although cold...

Will and Charlie in Oakville

 Well the fun just kept going after Charlie arrived, you were all busy!
Charlie and Sophia developed a crush on one another...

 Grandma and Papa really know how to wear you guys cute is this??

 You both went up to the top of the CN Tower!

 Grandma and Papa really know how to show you guys a good time!
It was so nice to know that you were in such good hands while Mommy and Daddy were away :)