Monday, March 5, 2012

First Whistler Trip! (for Mommy too)

After the big hockey game we headed up to Whistler for the weekend and got some great weather while we were there. Of course, Mommy is very pregnant right now so Daddy was the only one hitting the slopes but you and he went tubing when we first got there and you went down on your very own this time and loved it! Daddy said he was really nervous that you were going to be freaked out by the speed and being on your own but he said that much to his shock you were laughing all the way down! This just clinches our hunch that you are a born speed-demon, dare-devil. Or as you say "Speed Beaver." Not sure how that came to be or what it means. We think you mean speed-demon but that is what you scream when you are running laps around the kitchen island.
It was warm enough outside in February for us to sit out for lunch on the Saturday and eat with Adam and his gf Ashleigh. It was lots of fun eating out and watching you stomp on the snow a little ways off while we ate ;)
I really regret not having more pictures of our first trip up there, but I know there will be many more opportunities in the future. Since we're going to have another boy in the family soon I'm sure we'll be leading a very active lifestyle.
You were absolutely dying to get out there on skiis. When we got into the car to drive up to Whistler you said "what's this white thing?" and we told you it's Daddy's snowboard. You said "where's my ski board?"
So all weekend you dragged us into stores in the village to buy you a "ski board." You were so adamant we had to take skiis down and set you on them to try them out and we basically had to drag you out the store. I guess you're going to be a skiier/snowbaorder....

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