Thursday, November 17, 2011


On November 7, the three of us flew to Oakville to visit the Tower/Gyory house. Since we won't be together at Christmas Grandma and Great-Grandma decided to spoil you early and spoil you they did! This was just the cutest and most perfect present I can imagine...A Mini-Cooper just for you! There was a definite learning curve but you drove your litte car like a pro in short order! Thanks Grandmas!

Oh, and if that wasn't enough you also got a bike to ride with training wheels and you could really motor on that! You loved it!

Some of Mommy and Daddy's friends came by to visit and you got to see little Lauren again. You are two real cuties!

While Mommy and Daddy took a little side trip to NYC you did so many other fun things with Grandma and Papa, you rode the GO train to Hamilton, went to the Toronto Zoo with Sophia, went to a local farm where they had so many toy diggers to play with. What a great time you had!

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