Thursday, November 17, 2011


On November 7, the three of us flew to Oakville to visit the Tower/Gyory house. Since we won't be together at Christmas Grandma and Great-Grandma decided to spoil you early and spoil you they did! This was just the cutest and most perfect present I can imagine...A Mini-Cooper just for you! There was a definite learning curve but you drove your litte car like a pro in short order! Thanks Grandmas!

Oh, and if that wasn't enough you also got a bike to ride with training wheels and you could really motor on that! You loved it!

Some of Mommy and Daddy's friends came by to visit and you got to see little Lauren again. You are two real cuties!

While Mommy and Daddy took a little side trip to NYC you did so many other fun things with Grandma and Papa, you rode the GO train to Hamilton, went to the Toronto Zoo with Sophia, went to a local farm where they had so many toy diggers to play with. What a great time you had!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

First time Ice Skating!

We went to Beban Park last week for your first skating lesson in the class Boots to Blades. You loved being on the ice! That's not to say that you didn't wipe did, but you got right back up again and kept on going!
The class consists of three kids including you so it's great! This is you moving around on the ice with the teacher "skating arms" out :)

My little skater boy!

You couldn't wait to get your hands on a little hockey stick during the free play time at the end of class. Uhoh! Maybe I'll be a hockey mom after all!
No concussions please.

Trick or Treating

We weren't sure how this was going to go in our neighbourhood, but we gave it a try. It turned out that about every other house did have their lights on, with candy purchased and ready to go in big's just that there were no children other than us!
It was quite an evening since all of the houses on our street are quite spaced out which made for lots of walking, but it was well worth it. We were so glad that we gave our block a chance because if not for us our neighbours would have been so disappointed! Will was the only little guy that came calling!
On the way home we discussed maybe going into Nanaimo next year to see all the other little kids running around but then I was so sad to think that the neighbours would be counting on Will to come back again! Wondering what will Will be this year etc, haha!
You were the star of Shetland Place this Halloween for sure!

Pumpkin Carving!

We finally got around to carving our very own hand picked pumpkins on the weekend. At first you didn't seem too interested in the task but I assured you that there would be slimy gooey yucky stuff inside and that really got your attention. Soon you were up there with me scooping and de-seeding like a pro!
You also enjoyed covering my arm in the pulp and mashing it around the counter. You did get some of the pulp out on your own though, good helper!
Daddy got in on things too and soon enough we had three gorgeous pumpkins to show for it!
To be revealed next...

Halloween Parties!

Last Saturday all three of us got dressed up as our Wizard of Oz characters and went to no less than three parties to show us off!
It was a hit!
You were too adorable! You practiced your "Roar!" and it was really scary ;)

At Nikki and Bryce's we got to hang out with Finn, Tavish, Emma, Claire, Sam and Natasha et al. Everyone looked fabulous.

You loved your costume and wore it for days prior, making me take you downstairs to the big mirror so you could see yourself in it. The head part of the costume seemed to bother you though, you were always trying to get it off your head and sometimes wore it around your neck for a while. But you were a really good sport about it all in all.

Mommy's New Car!

Well Daddy's not the only one who gets to have fun! Mommy got some new wheels this month and we said goodbye to both Jeepy and Libby. So sad! They were our first cars!
Mommy has always wanted one of these and you seem to love the new Range Rover too. You even call out "Range Rober" if we see another one on the street. I had no idea you would be able to recognize another one but you can!
Best of all it will keep us safe on the roads out there :)