Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Your new passport photo!

Mommy and Daddy booked us a trip to Cabo this Christmas the other day! It will be such a fun trip for us, as it was this summer. Your passport was due to expire within the requisite six months so we needed a new one for you. Unfortunately this one will only be valid for another years again so we will have to go through the ordeal again sooner than I'd like! Apparently adults are going to ten year passports and I say "Yeah!"
You were such a doll at the photo store where we got your picture done. You put your hands on your lap as we asked (no hands in the picture) and at first you smiled but of course they want a neutral face only. So we asked you just to be natural and you did that. But then your tongue started sticking out and you mouth started opening, let's just say it was a bit of a struggle to get the PERFECT picture. You tried really hard to listen to what we were saying, you were such a darling.
And what a beautiful picture it turned out to be! What a difference two years makes!

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