Sunday, October 30, 2011


I have to write a quick entry about this funny saying we've discovered lately. You are having trouble pronouncing the "S" sound if followed by "L." So when you try to say sleep it comes out fleep.

Daddy and I have been trying to get you to say it properly so we have been playing a little game with you. We say a word and have you repeat it. It goes like this:

M+D: "skate"
W: "skate"

M+D: "swim"
W: "swim"

M+D: "snow"
W: "snow"

M+D: "sleep"

Ugh! We don't even know if you're joking any more because when we roll our eyes you laugh and bug!


Guess who's idea this was?? Right! It was mommy's. The Wizard of Oz is on eof my all-time favourite movies and I think we brought justice to the characters!

You looked so adorable in your lion costume. It had been well-worn already prior to our wearing them together since you had insisted on wearing this costume nearly daily since we got about two weeks ago!
We had three parties to go to today, one at the Tremblay's, one at the Lam's and of course the annual Chase Halloween party! It was a marathon!
Mommy made Mummy Dogs as our treat and they were a hit :)

With all the other little munchkins!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Your new passport photo!

Mommy and Daddy booked us a trip to Cabo this Christmas the other day! It will be such a fun trip for us, as it was this summer. Your passport was due to expire within the requisite six months so we needed a new one for you. Unfortunately this one will only be valid for another years again so we will have to go through the ordeal again sooner than I'd like! Apparently adults are going to ten year passports and I say "Yeah!"
You were such a doll at the photo store where we got your picture done. You put your hands on your lap as we asked (no hands in the picture) and at first you smiled but of course they want a neutral face only. So we asked you just to be natural and you did that. But then your tongue started sticking out and you mouth started opening, let's just say it was a bit of a struggle to get the PERFECT picture. You tried really hard to listen to what we were saying, you were such a darling.
And what a beautiful picture it turned out to be! What a difference two years makes!

Our annual fall Seattle trip!

We had such a fun time last weekend with the Thorntons! Ian is in Vancouver now becoming a prosthodontist and we couldn't be happier!
Secora, Alyssa and Noah were all there and you all had fun together, you with Alyssa mostly :)
This is all of us at the Pike Place Market.

The Seattle Aquarium was lots of fun too. This is where you can actually touch the sea urchins and star fish:

Your funny face again:

Of course, Daddy also went to his football game on Sunday with Claudio and Ian and Erin and I went shopping. You were an angel in the car (didn't sleep at all I might add) but you seemed to have a hard time throughout the weekend with being away from home. Every once in a while you would say "Going home now?" We'd explain to you that we were away for the weekend, on vacation in Seattle. You would get weepy and ask "Go home right now?! Why???"
So sad. Of course we would really play up how much fun we were having and that we were going home shortly. You are a real homebody I guess.
I wanted to find out exactly what you missed about being at home so I very casually asked what it was that you missed and you replied "Playroom. Jenny." I think you like your familiar surroundings and get a little anxious when away for too long, even if we're there with you.
You were just fine most of the time but you would sporadically ask about home and be sad, maybe about 4 times total. You did that when we went to Mexico too so it's not new to us.
We'll see if that changes as you get older! Other than that you were a super star traveler!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Mommy's Birthday

The three of us had a low-key birthday celebration for mommy last week. We made this cake ourselves and mommy was spoiled by daddy (and you) as usual.
I woke up to you running into our bedroom and saying "Hassy Berfday Mommy!" My favourite! And you can almost sing the happy birthday song word for word now!
You are such a doll.

Henry's 3rd Birthday!

Mommy's friend Kat invited us to her son Henry's 3rd birthday party at the Nanaimo Gymnastics Club last weekend. You have been here many times with Grandma and Jenny so it's just old hat for you, but you still had a blast!
I love this shot!

You were not wanting to let go of Daddy's hand when you jumped so there were a couple of problems at lift off!

Even the big kids had a go:

What a great idea for a party!