Friday, September 16, 2011

First day of School!

This was taken on your first day at Aspengrove!
Mommy and Grandma took you for a half day in the infant and toddler room and you did really well. We sat with you and lingered around until after snack time and we said goodbye to you when you were just about to go outside for a little playin the sandbox. We thought it was a good opportunity to part with you and it was but it was still a bit of a scene. It was very scary for Mommy to leave you with others alone for the first time, even for only an hour.

The teachers do insist that the parent go to the child and say goodbye so that the child is not taken off guard when they try to find them again. So Grandma and I did go to you and say that we were leaving but that we were coming back. There was a moment when you were just outside the door with Grace and you were crying for me and trying to push the door back open while she was trying to pull it closed. I hid around the back of a bookcase to watch and that was really hard. I was counting on Grace to distract you and she did a great job of redirecting you to the activities outside and then we watched from the window for a while. You went to the sandbox and found a digger (what else?) to dig with and you seemed to be just fine. I had a little cry which I didn't expect at all, and the Grandma and I left to have a quick cup of tea before we came back to get you.

The teachers told us that you had been just fine playing and exploring for the hour or so that we were gone and that you were adjusting really well. I just can't believe my little baby is two and ready to start learning about the world.

Day one was a great success!

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