Thursday, June 9, 2011

Our garden

When we bought our house we loved it inside and out. Mommy spent the first few months sprucing up the inside of the house and now that it's spring it's time to spend some time working on the outside too. Once we started working it became clear how much work there was to do! The previous owners used this house as their weekend home and apparently never did yardwork, so we have three years of catching up to do! With Grandma's help, Mommy has grown quite a green thumb!

Our first project was this front flower bed:

We spent a day clearing out the old leaves and top layer of dirt and then we went shopping! We bought 3 new nesting spruces (such an amazing bright green colour) and 6 new rhododendrons (4 white and 2 pink for some colour). The rhodos are great because I love the blooms and they are deer-proof, so they're perfect for out front.

Loooking good!

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