Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Family Photos

This is your smiley face for photos. We ask you to smile and we get this crazy looking forced grin! Hahaha!

Just couldn't put your truck down for one minute, so we just went with it...

Tag in the yard with Papa

You and Papa had a fun time playing tag in the yard. You chased him around all of the trees:

You could even find Papa when he pulled down this branch to hide behind. Silly Papa!

Papa helped you when you wanted to try hiding behind a branch:

You found him! Such fun :)

Making Gomboc with Great-Grandma

Gomboc are a favourite of Mommy's from when she was a little girl. Grandma would make these treats for me and sometime even eat them for a whole meal, and I loved them. I finally got Grandma to show me her secret recipe for them and now I can make them for us too!

They are the neatest food, a small German plum inside a potato-based dough, spinkled with cinnamon sugar, there is nothing like it! Yum!

You even helped out (but mostly made a mess).

Grandps'a 90th Birthday!

We to visit Oakville for Grandpa's 90th birthday on the 24th of this month! Way to go Grandpa! We practiced saying "Happy Birthday Great-Grandpa" with you and you didn't disappoint! You are so sweet, it made his year!

You even helped Great-Grandpa blow out the candles:

Everybody loves you so much!

Lake Ontario

We usually go down to the beach in Oakville when we visit and you are always drawn to 2 things in particular; rocks and sticks. This trip was no different and we spent a long time throwing rocks into the water one after the other. Mommy skipped some rocks and you got a kick out of that. The stick is mostly for smacking the ground.

It was warm out but the breeze from the water kept us cool, much too cool for June. Both BC and Ontario summers have been non-existent so far this year!

So much joy from a rock!

My little beach boy!

Tutta Bella

We discovered this most amazing pizza restaurant one time when we stayed at the Pan Pacific in Seattle. We weren't sure what to do for dinner so we stopped into this restaurant under our hotel and boy did we find a gem! We have been back every time we've been to Seattle since and are never disappointed. The first time you were ever there you were in my tummy!

I ate an entire pizza that first visit, heartburn be damned! It was too good to stop!

They gave you a little dish of their pizza dough to play with in lieu of crayons etc and you loved that. The kitchen staff laughed when they saw you tossing up your dough just like the real chefs! The gelato was also a hit, thanks Grandma!

Daddy's Ride to Conquer Cancer

The dads' biggest cheerleaders. Good sharing guys!

You are always wanting to sit on Daddy's bike (even though your reach isn't quite what Daddy's is). Looking good you two!

The guys just after arriving! Great job! Not looking too tired, just muddy!
Welcome back Daddy! We are so proud of you!

The Seattle Children's Museum

While Daddy was on his bike somewhere between Vancouver and Seattle, you and I and Grandma went to the Seattle Children's Museum. You had a blast!

There was so much to do and see! Of course you especially loved the water exhibit, you are a true water baby, always attracted to anything to do with it. You would take the little plastic sea creatures and boats and put them at the top of the river and watch them go down to the bottom in the current.

There was also this padded gym:

You are definitely a good catch:


My own little Bob the Builder. You loved wearing this tool belt, using the play drill and screwing the nuts onto the screws.

This fire truck was oddly not a big hit with you?

A fun day!

Riding Bike Just Like Daddy

Daddy has been spending a lot of time lately training for his big Ride to Conquer Cancer this month. He, Lucien and Bryce and going to bike from Vancouver to Seattle and have each raised over $5000 to go toward cancer research. So Daddy is basically our hero.

He has been going for 5 hour long bike rides on the weekends in preparation and you have noticed! You always want to wear a helmet "just like daddy" and get your bike out to ride "just like daddy." Too cute.

First dip in the pool!

I had a hunch that you were going to love the pool and you do! From the first moment this smile of glee was on your face! We just played around in the shallow end for a little while, pulling you through the water and you couldn't get enough of it.

Kick, kick!

So excited! And when Daddy came in and did some cannonballs and flips into the pool you just squealed about it! The next day you were still saying "Daddy do flip!"

Art in the Garden

This was our first time at Art in the Garden, an arts show in Nanoose where local artists can come out and display their wares. There were so many different mediums used by the artists, wooden bowls, pottery, even gourds, as well at paintings and Muskoka chairs. Our absolute favourite stall belonged to a man from Victoria who made little replica wooden cars, buses, fire trucks, you name it!

Mommy bought you a fire truck which was modelled after the first fire trucks used at the Nanoose Bay fire station. It is gorgeous, and you will be allowed to play with it one day...

Relaxing with Grandma.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Qualicum Cheeseworks

We had our first trip to Qualicum Cheeseworks last Tuesday on Daddy's birthday. We had the day off and so we all spent it together. I had heard that this little farm is so much fun and we weren't disappointed.
There were horses and cows and pigs and sheep and even baby cows that were only days old. But most of all you loved the bunnies.

Mommy and Daddy loved the sausages and cheese best ;)

A tractor! "Will drive it."

Daddy's Birthday

Last week Daddy turned 34 and we were there celebrating with him. It started with breakfast in bed. What a lucky boy!

And then a birthday BBQ! Super lucky!

Cake too?? We had so much fun. All day you said "Hassy Birfday Daddy!"
Oh and when we asked how old Daddy is you said "TWO!" and held up your two fingers. Too cute.

At Rathtrevor Beach

Grandma and Jenifer took you to Rathtrevor Beach last week. You love being at the beach but you do not like sand in your shoes! Grandma told me that you couldn't take a step without complaining about a stone or sand in your toes. So they put your boots on and that seemed to work a lot better.

Jenny cleaning out your boots...

First days by the pool

Last weekend we opened our pool and got it up to 78 degrees so we could put our feet in. It still needs to be shocked and cleaned up but it was nice to even have it open and look forward to using it. You loved putting your feet in it too and kept saying "mama get in!"

You and Grandma by the pool. Say cheese!

At Edibles Farm with Grandma

Edibles Farm is a little farm right around the corner from us which grows organic fruit, veggies and free-run eggs from their chickens. We go there quite regularly lately for spinach and lettuce. They had the sweetest little heads of lettuce that we ate whole with just a little blue cheese and dressing on them which Grandma pulled right out of the ground!

There they are, our favourite little lettuces!