Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Aquarium!

This weekend Daddy and I took you to Vancouver to go to the aquarium for your second time! This is you in the car while daddy paid for parking and you are pretending to drive and saying "Woo-woo!" This is the face you make when I say "give me your cute face."

You and Daddy outside before the fun began.

There was a real difference in the way you responded to being at the aquarium from the last time only 6 months ago. I originally thought we might do things once a year as a tradition but now I realize that we could do new things more frequently than that since you change so much in such a short time. This time you were saying "fiss" and "hark" for shark when you saw them. You were just fine with the big sharks and really big turtle but there was one little silver fish that scared you to death! You kept clinging to Daddy and shouting 'No No No!" Just that one little guy though...

On the ferry on the way home we couldn't keep you away from the arcade room where are the "cahh"s are. You wanted to sit in the seat and pretend to drive for the entire trip. Boy are we in trouble when you figure out that money makes it work...

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