Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Annual Seattle Trip

Last weekend we headed down to Seattle for our annual November trip. Our tradition started 3 years ago when Mommy, Daddy and Grandma (and you in my tummy) went and did some shopping, dining and saw a Seattle Seahawks game. Mommy was such a trouper and sat in the rain for 3 hours...
The next year our group grew to include Lucien, Kimi and Emma and the 3 of us. We stayed at the hotel together and Daddy and Luc went to see a Seahawks game while the 4 of us went shopping, that's better!
This year Bryce, Nikki and Finn, Leslie, Claudio, Natasha and Sam, Kimi, Luc and Emma (and their new addition in Kimi's belly) and the 3 of us went down! How fun. We all got some good shopping in and the boys went to the football game on Sunday:

You slept like an angel for your nap on the way home:

I wonder how many people we can get next year!

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