Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Annual Seattle Trip

Last weekend we headed down to Seattle for our annual November trip. Our tradition started 3 years ago when Mommy, Daddy and Grandma (and you in my tummy) went and did some shopping, dining and saw a Seattle Seahawks game. Mommy was such a trouper and sat in the rain for 3 hours...
The next year our group grew to include Lucien, Kimi and Emma and the 3 of us. We stayed at the hotel together and Daddy and Luc went to see a Seahawks game while the 4 of us went shopping, that's better!
This year Bryce, Nikki and Finn, Leslie, Claudio, Natasha and Sam, Kimi, Luc and Emma (and their new addition in Kimi's belly) and the 3 of us went down! How fun. We all got some good shopping in and the boys went to the football game on Sunday:

You slept like an angel for your nap on the way home:

I wonder how many people we can get next year!

Monday, November 15, 2010

The Toronto Zoo

While we were in Toronto Grandma and I took you to the Zoo!
You were a little squeamish with the monkeys at first:

But then you were ok with it!

You really liked the tigers.

And the "Appo":

Such a fun day we had here! And you slept all the way home in the car, perfect!

A cake for Will

Great-grandma bought you a Black Forest Cake to eat over the week since Great-grandpa couldn't be there for your first birthday. It was essentially a smash cake, but you were much more neat about it this time around!
You started saying "yum, yum" right around this time.

Thanksgiving trip to Oakville!

In mid-October you and I went to Oakville to visit grandma, Rick, great-grandma and great-grandpa. We went over Thanksgiving weekend and arrived just in time to catch an indian summer! We went to the beach one morning and you found a stick! This stick was a great joy to you :) Go figure.

You discovered soooo many things you can do with a stick. This is drawing. There is also whacking, leaning and poking :

God bless a good stick!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


We dressed you up as a dinosaur this year, Mommy thought the costume was too cute. So we bought it about a month before the big day and worked on getting you to roar all month! We have a little toy dino that roars and by Halloween you were roaring up a storm on your own!

One day we did a dry run and put your costume on and then I took you to the mirror to show you what you looked like. You stared and stared and then burst out crying!! Not the best idea. I rushed you away from the mirror and you wouldn't have anything to do with the outfit for weeks. I hung it up near your toys so you could make friends with it but as the day approached it wasn't looking good. But finally, on the Saturday night when we went to the Chase's Halloween party you had no problems with it and wore it all night, phew!

Here we are dressed up and ready to go to the party!

Dino kisses for Mommy (aka Audrey).

On the big day the next night, Auntie Shannon came to visit and we went Trick or Treating around our block. You were a pro! You were a little unsure about what to do at first but got the hang of it quickly! We would walk you up to the door and say "knock, knock" and after the first few houses you were saying "knock, knock" on your own! First time!
After a while you would walk up to the door and try the knob! Haha!
We told you that when the door opened you should scare the person with a big roar. You were so good at it. The person would open the door and you would take a second to evaluate the situation with a pause and then say "roar" rather unenthusiastically. But if the person acted along and was quite scared you would get really bold and shout "ROAR!" and stamp your foot! We were all laughing like crazy, it was too funny!

As we were walking by the little park we take you to at the bottom of the street, you strayed over there and wanted to have a little pit stop at the swings. We indulged you for a couple a minutes and then carried on!

All in all a super successful night! Looking forward to next year!

Halloween Cupcakes

Mommy pulled another Martha Stewart this weekend with her own version of "Creepcakes"!
They turned out very well if I do say so myself, and they have been enjoyed by all (including you!) Although we only support such candy eating on special occasions such as this...

You just started saying "yum, yum" and it applied to these!

Monday, November 1, 2010


Such a happy boy, on our way to Pumpkinfest at Beban Park!

Biggest pumpkin contest!
We found a little horse for you to ride on and you loved it! We bought some honey for grandma Mary and some popcorn for us and Daddy had a hot dog. We ran into lots of friends from playgroups. We petted a goat and saw some chickens too.
Maybe next year Daddy will let you get a little scary tattoo...