Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Art Class!

We took an art class every Friday at the Oliver Woods Community Centre just down the street from us. The park outside is where we usually take you to play and so sometimes we have a hard time getting you indoors and past the park...you point and make little noises to make sure we know where you want to go!

The class went every Friday morning for an hour for 6 weeks. There were about 8 kids total in the class and even Emma and Kimi were there!

You had so much fun feeling the textures of things and getting into the different coloured paints. We just let you at it and brought a change of clothes. At least it wasn't at home...!

You made a handprint in clay that we painted later and put into a shadow box, which we also painted. You made a gorgeous painting that Mommy framed and will put in your big boy room. We made a painting on a piece of canvas that we tied onto a ribbon to hang. We made a sketch out of glue and different colours of sand the way they do in Africa. They were all gorgeous and we'll keep them forever.

You couldn't believe that you were allowed to just put your hands in bowls of coloured liquids! At home you are forever trying to put your hands in the dogs' bowl and we are always after you not to touch it. You kept looking up at us like "really?"

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