Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Father's Day!

Ok I normally hate it when you cry but I found this photo so hilarious. You can be a bit dramatic and I knew you weren't in any pain. You just didn't want anything on your head and were being quite vocal about it. That said, we had many laughs about this picture, LOL!

These hard hats were "your" gift to daddy for Father's Day in anticipation of building our house. Mommy knew we would need them eventually and even got you a baby one to wear. Our attempts at getting you to pose while wearing it though were rather difficult.

We also gave daddy a pair of Hunter rubber boots since you and mommy already have ones of your own. So now we're build-ready!

We also gave daddy a sleek new desk for the new house for the occasion.

Daddy tried on his hat and didn't even cry!

And you eventually did too! Happy Father's Day daddy!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Art Class!

We took an art class every Friday at the Oliver Woods Community Centre just down the street from us. The park outside is where we usually take you to play and so sometimes we have a hard time getting you indoors and past the point and make little noises to make sure we know where you want to go!

The class went every Friday morning for an hour for 6 weeks. There were about 8 kids total in the class and even Emma and Kimi were there!

You had so much fun feeling the textures of things and getting into the different coloured paints. We just let you at it and brought a change of clothes. At least it wasn't at home...!

You made a handprint in clay that we painted later and put into a shadow box, which we also painted. You made a gorgeous painting that Mommy framed and will put in your big boy room. We made a painting on a piece of canvas that we tied onto a ribbon to hang. We made a sketch out of glue and different colours of sand the way they do in Africa. They were all gorgeous and we'll keep them forever.

You couldn't believe that you were allowed to just put your hands in bowls of coloured liquids! At home you are forever trying to put your hands in the dogs' bowl and we are always after you not to touch it. You kept looking up at us like "really?"

More from the park

Walking all by yourself!

Sitting at the playground.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Sunday at the park

I have been thinking lately about how quickly Will is growing up. It seems like the days are flying by and he is growing up so fast. Every day he does something new that we marvel at and I want to make sure that we remember all of the funny things he does and how old he was when he did new things.

So I'm starting this blog. At first, I couldn't think of the "right" time to start it. I thought of starting on his 2 year birthday, and some other occasions, but all we would miss until then! So I'm starting it today, this random day in June, because there's no time like the present, and I don't want to go one more day without writing about our fondest moments. I will write whenever I can and add the pictures that we take along the way. This is for you my darling boy, I hope it is a treasure trove of happy memories for you.

Yesterday, Sunday, we went to the park at the bottom of our street on Malibu. You like to swing on the swing and eat rocks. I can't take my eyes off of you for one minute because you will grab a fistful and shove them into your mouth. I am constantly sweeping rocks out of your mouth! If you see me coming you will try to shove them in faster or try to swallow them??? Not sure what that's all about.
You have been walking now for about 2 weeks. You had taken steps before but really started walking in earnest very recently. It is still neat to watch you puttering around.

Lately, you're big into kissing things. You kiss your teddy, your monkey, the little toys that you play with in your zoo. You blow kisses to us and to our staff. You make the kissing noises to dogs that walk by at the park. If Maggie goes downstairs you send kisses to her through the stair rungs. You even gave me a kiss before I went to work last week. You are adorable.

You LOVE dogs. It was one of the first things you signed, and you always point dogs out to us when we are out. We met a couple with a large dog in their car the other day and he went to nuzzle you and I thought you'd get scared but you giggled and shied away just a bit. I chose dogs as the theme for your big boy room in the new house and you love the pillows already. There are different dogs all over them and you point to them and kiss them too! Lucky doggies!

You also look out for the cat that lives across the street. We can see it from our kitchen window, it usually lounges around on the driveway. We spend lots of time waving to the kitty. We say Meow and try to get you to say it, you always say "Mmmmm." Close!

Lately you like to suck on ice cubes too. You will stand in front of the freezer and ask for one. I guess I gave you one once because I thought it would help your teething. Of course you drop the cube and I take it away because it's dirty, and you'll wail about it!!

You also love to brush your hair. You routinely go into my bathroom and reach for my hairbrush so you can brush your hair.

We saw a deer coming down the street and you waved up a storm at it. You make the doggie sign when you see deer (slapping your leg) and we try to tell you that it's a deer but you slap your leg nonetheless.

You are so fiercely independent, you won't even hold my hand when you walk anymore. You shrug it off and charge ahead. You want to do everything yourself!