Thursday, June 15, 2017

So much praise for you boys lately

I just had a write a quick note here about all of the praise I have received lately about you boys.

The other day I went to pick you both up and we were playing on the playground for five minutes before leaving when Mrs Moore from out of school care started chatting with me.  She said how impressed she was with you, William and how she thought you had turned out to be such a wonderful boy and role model to the other students.  I asked her to give me some examples and she said that one day in out of school care it was time to go and you went around cleaning up and sorting things although no one had asked you to.  She said that you say Please and Thank you constantly and that the other kids just love you and look up to you.  She said "Good job Mom!" he's turning out to be a really great kid.

And Charlie, I just got off the phone with your baseball coach who had called to tell us that the game tonight is cancelled due to rain and he just went on and on about you, saying that you are his favourite player on the team (his son is on the team).  He said that your enthusiasm is infectious and that you are such an outgoing and fun kid.  He said you are such a strong player and well-rounded boy and that he was really happy that you were on the team this year.  I thanked him for saying that and for coaching this year and he interrupted, saying he just had one more story to share about you...he literally couldn't stop talking about you.  He told me a story about how when a big kid gets up to bat and he, as the coach, tells everyone in the outfield to step back, there's a big hitter up.  After that apparently whenever you went up to bat as you passed the coach you would ask "Are you going to ask them to get back?"  And the coach would assure that yes, he was going to ask everyone to get back up it's a big hitter.  HAHAHAHA!    Charlie!!

I am a proud Mama these days :)