Monday, June 22, 2015

Look who is on the waterski trainer!

 We were so impressed when Will gave it his all on the trainer.  The Charlie piped up and said he wanted to try.  I was worried about your just-three-year old self doing that so I held on to the line with my hand and told you just to sit down.  But before I knew it you were standing up and trying to do twirly tricks??!!  I slowly let the line out and you were just fine.  WHAT??!!

 What a fun weekend!

More cottage fun!

We took Tye to the cottage!

 It is forecast to be a hot, dry summer and at the lake we are swimming mid-June!  We took Tye to the cottage last weekend because Will has been asking for a sleepover for a while and we thought it would be great to do it at the cottage first.  It went really well.  Tye is so sweet and well-behaved and we all had a really good time!

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Will's Last Day of Kindergarten

 Dad and I booked the day off to go to the events on your last day of school.  It started with a Closing Ceremonies in the gym where you sand So Long, Farewell from the Sound of Music with your class (my favourite!)
Then at 2:45 we came back to watch your graduation ceremony with Miss E.

 You got a diploma and everything!

Your last day with your class:

 A few members of your class are leaving after this year.  Tye, Alexander, Riti, Hannah, Dylan and Matilda are all moving on.  Most notably you will miss Tye greatly.  We will keep in touch with him through sports I'm sure.  Especially since he's recently been doing BMX with us!
Congratulations Will!  
Report card coming soon!
Oh and if you have all above averages you get an iPOD (which you remind me of daily).

Charlie is THREE!

 This year your birthday was on a Thursday.  Dad and I both worked during the day and we had a family dinner to celebrate.  Because it's an odd year you get a party and we are going to 4Cats Art Studio for a paint splatter party on Saturday.  But today is just for us family.
Both sets of Grandparents had sent boxes of gifts for you and Mommy and Daddy spoiled you as well.  The biggest gift this year was a new strider bike all tricked out with stickers and lights.  You got lots of other presents and a fun cake as well.
You are still so interested in the current gift that you have to be persuaded to come back and open more presents.  You have always been this way!  Will is the exact opposite, he wants to open everything at once.


 Sweet boy :)

 Happy Third Birthday my darling boy.  I cannot believe you are three already!

The next Saturday we had a super fun party for you at 4Cats in Lantzville and so many of your friends came to celebrate.  Jack and Henry, Quinn, Ashlyn and Maraya, Annabelle and Ben, Dheen and Jai, Tye and Jace and of course Will were all there for you.  We had such a blast but it was very messy!!

This is your super RAD BMX birthday cake.  It was so heavy I could barely lift it (lots of butter I was told).  This cake was a show stopper for sure, tasty too!
XOXOXOX my little three year old boy.  "No, I'm a big boy!" you would say...

Dheen's Go Kart Birthday

 Last Sunday you boys went to Victoria to celebrate Dheen Tatra's 8th birthday.  He had a super fun party at the Go Kart track and you guys had a blast!

 Happy Birthday Dheen!

Our backyard

 Last Saturday Daddy was working (hopefully one of our last Saturdays ever) so we took a walk down the steps to explore our backyard.  We had so much fun looking for little crabs, they were everywhere!  And we even found hermit crabs!  

 I can't believe we live here!!

 On the way back up the stairs we found an ENORMOUS banana slug, man those things give off some serious slime!