Thursday, May 10, 2012

Golf Class

 Last Sunday you started your golf class at the Bowen Complex.  Daddy said you were really good and knew just what to do.  Your soccer classes haven't been quite so successful unfortunately.  Maybe you gravitate towards gentleman's sports??

 On the way out you did some more jumping off of tall structures, your current obsession.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Will turns three!

I can't believe my little boy is three years old!  We had a Hungry Caterpillar themed birthday party for you to celebrate and I think it was a huge success!
Mommy made the cake again this year but this time tried fondant, yum!
Grandma and Great-Grandma came out as is our tradition for the third year in a row!
Great-Grandma bought you your very own Sadie car and you love it!

We had rented a bouncy castle and just in case the weather wouldn't allow that we also arranged for Twiggly Wiggly the clown to come.  As luck would have it the weather was gorgeous so we got both!

Twiggly was a big hit!
You are a big fan of cake!  It took you a long time to get these candles blown out and when I asked you what you had wished for you said "Cake!"  Too funny!
I'm so glad that you had an excellent day with your friends who came from far and wide.  You were truly spoiled as usual and now you have every toy under the sun I think!
Happy Birthday my darling!