Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Boots to Blades returns!

You started your second Boots to Blades class this week on Mondays with Daddy. This course you will actually be on skates, how exciting!

All laced up and ready to go!

The moment you first stepped on ice in skates:

You were unsure of your footing at first but Daddy said that you really improved over the course of even this first class. Can't wait to see what you can do in a month!
Teeth are all still intact, yea!

Shaving just like Daddy

Grandma and Grandpa Cooper bought you this shaving set, complete with plastic razor, shaving cream and aftershave lotion. As copying anything that Daddy does lately (well, Mommy too) is a big hit with you you really dig this.
You routinely get into Daddy's bathroom stuff to spray on some cologne and sometimes you don't even spray it in your eye.
The best part about when you practice shaving is when you move onto your forehead and ears though. I guess you like to be thorough.

Qualicum Cheeseworks...Again.

We go to Qualicum Cheeseworks a lot, but it's because there is something for everyone. You really enjoy seeing all of the farm animals (and so do we) and Mommy and Daddy like to scoop up some local cheeses and organic meats. So fun.

Of course, we have a really tough time buying the lamb chops on the way out...yes, even Daddy.

Jenny's 30th

Last week Jenny had a birthday and in keeping with tradition we bought a cake and you helped blow out the candles. We asked you what you wished for and you said "cake." Of course.

Happy Birthday Jenny!