Thursday, December 15, 2011

Last weekend we took you up to Mount Washington for your first go at tubing! The mountain has been open for only two weeks and the snow was patchy way up the slopes but the tubing was great.

We were a little but worried about how you would do but you loved it!

Daddy was actually a little freaked about how fast you get going in those tubes but you took it all in stride, lol! We saw lots of little guys and girls your age skiing and it made up certain that we'll get you into skiing next year. Mommy is off the slopes for this season, but we'll be a skiing/snowboarding family next year!

Two peas in a pod

Funny fact: every once in a while Daddy tries to dress you and himself the same. Apparently our tastes in clothes reflect this ability as he is often able to chose a very close 2t replica of his outfit.

Big, little news

I haven't posted anything for quite a while now but I must be forgiven as I have been ILL! The reason being that I am 3 months pregnant and have never been so sick in my life!
Poor mommy has been down for the count and poor daddy has been picking up the slack both at work and at home. Now I see what they mean when they say that the toddler is the one that really wears you out...I get tired just watching you these days!
So we're all very excited about our new addition which will arrive in June and you yourself seem to be able to grasp the idea too, even naming the baby "Baby Banana."
We have moved you into your big boy bed and that has been as easy as pie. We thought there would be a huge transition process involving you getting out of bed and us putting you back, repeat. But as it turns out you are quite happy in your bed and have only ventured out two times. It is as if there is some kind of force field around your bed keeping you in??
The first time you got out of your bed was in the middle of the night when you bee-lined it to our door which was blocked by a laundry basket to keep the dogs in our room. You fell into the laundry basket head-first and screamed bloody murder (which greatly startled mommy and daddy by the way). The second time you left your bed I came out to the hall to find you lurking in your doorway and I automatically yelled "Get back into your bed!" which made you jump in fear and run back. I think the combination of these two experiences will ensure that further ventures out of your bed are few and far between (fingers crossed).
So yeah for Baby Banana and here's hoping I am able to keep up the steady stream of updates more regularly since I am partially functional again :)
You on your first night in your Big Boy Bed: