Thursday, July 28, 2011

Pool Party!

Last weekend we had a little pool party with friends Cate, Kerr, Henry and Aaron (and Cate and Kerr's little fetus). We had some pool time and quite warm weather which has been hard to come by this summer!
Things went very smoothly with you and Henry in the pool and little Aaron preferring the sandbox for the most part. At one point you took off your swim trunks and swim diaper and played in the pool for a while until we had exceeded Daddy's level of comfort with nudity and he tried to dress you back up. You had a huge meltdown insisting "NO WEAR SHWIMSHOOT!" Over and over you repeated this loudly crying and whining, appealing to me, of course. Personally I don't see the harm but Daddy was adamant. So you spent a while crying about that until I pointed out that you were missing out on all the fun and look everyone else is wearing a swim suit. No one wants to look at your penis etc.
You finally got back into it but it was a struggle. I guess there's a little nudist in you.

Lately you have been jumping into Daddy's arms in the pool. We started doing this with you about a week ago and you love it so much that now you've taken to jumping in whether we're looking at you or not. At one point you jumped in Daddy's general direction while he was having a conversation and I had to yell for him to fish you out the water, you bug!
You are such a daredevil. I'm glad you are a water baby but we are going to have to drown-proof you quick!

Back to Qualicum Cheeseworks!

Daddy was in Vancouver this weekend so we got to do all sorts of fun Mommy and Will things! We went shopping, slept in the big bed together and went to "cheeshworks" to see the animals!
Such a nice pat.

Making friends and patting.

And of course a tractor ride.
When Daddy got home shortly after this you said "had fun at Cheeshworks Daddy!"