Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day with Bobs and Lolo!

We had such a fun day for Mother's Day yesterday. When you woke up in the morning I got a "Happy Mother's Day Mama" and some big kisses, it was so sweet. The best gift ever. Throughout the day you kept saying happy mother's day but sometimes happy birthday too, pretty easy to mix up I guess.
We had a lovely breakfast and daddy (er, you) spoiled mommy with gifts as usual. After a quick nap we went out to see your first concert with one of your faves, Bobs and Lolo!

Natasha was there with her mommy too and you both had such a fun time dancing (or danching) and clapping along.

Towards the end of the show you got really into it and decided you wanted to get up really close to the stage. You ended up crawling up the side steps and was just out of my reach. You got up onto the stage and started dancing up there with Bobs and Lolo while mommy pleaded with you to get down...Gratefully Bobs and Lolo exited the stage right then and you said "more danching." Then held up your hands and asked "Bobs and Lolo?"
At that time you took it upon yourself to go through their stage props and to continue danching while banging on Bobs' tambourine.

Daddy was so pleased when they played his favourite track "Cindy Seahorse."

After we got home we 3 went down to the tennis courts and hit some balls around with the new rackets that daddy bought us.
Then mommy and daddy went to see a movie Water for Elephants in the theatre. A perfect day!

Weekend in Van

This past weekend we went to Vancouver to do a little shopping and so mommy and daddy could go and see Fiddler on the Roof (which mommy thoroughly enjoyed). The highlight of your trip was this seagull (our bird) which would land on our window sill and we would put some food out for it. If the bird wasn't there you would yell out the window "birrrrrrrrrrrr-deeeeeeeeeeeeee."
It would eventually fly back, but I think more for the food ;)
It looks small in this photo but it really was a big seagull!

Beacon Hill Park Petting Zoo

We felt like it was time to take a little trip to Victoria to visit the petting zoo again so we headed out for the weekend to do just that.
We stayed at the Oswego Hotel, like we have many times before. We like it because it is like a little condo with a full kitchen so we can travel with all of your nutritional needs ;)
It's also very close to the harbour, so a great location.
Your favourite feature of the room was this dog bed though...

So on the first day we went to see the animals at the petting zoo. Last year you were very interested in the goats, they do seem to be the star attractions. But this year you couldn't get enough of the ducks! You wanted to watch them swim and duck under the water and pop back out. You loved watching them.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Dinner with the Bellamys

Last weekend the Bellamys came over for a very nice dinner. You and Emma are at such a great age right now, you can play together quite well and the adults can actually catch up! How fun for all. Little Claire is 3 months old now and growing so quickly. Soon she'll be able to join in on the fun.
This is a quick photo we snapped of the two of you in your little car. How cute!