Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Big Dig

Another fun thing you like to do is to go out and inspect the 2 building sites on our street. You are crazy about the "DEEGERS" right now and ask over and over to be taken out to see them. (When we actually get there you tend to get spooked and ask to come home...then we come home and repeat...but I digress)

Sometimes the first thing you say in the morning when we go into your room is DEEGER. There are actually TWO DEEGERS across the street right now and sometimes we just stand at your window and watch the diggers work and the drivers get in and out of the cabs etc from the safety of your bedroom. You seem to not tire of that.

You are really into anything that drives these days. Today we went to the Home Depot and Mommy and Daddy both stood by while you tried out every single John Deer in the place. Just going from one ride-on mower to another for about a half hour. You pretended to turn the steering wheels and even shift the gears. All the way home we heard about BUS or TRUCK or MOTOBIKE. Seems like you were born to ride my love.

Fun with Grandma

When Grandma was here you got to do all sorts of fun things with her during the day when Mommy and Daddy were at work. You went to gymnastics at 2 different gyms, went to see the fishies fed, went to Jumpin' Jimimy's, went to ride the heli-copp-er at the mall and went to the park A-LOT!

We know you'll be back soon but it seems like too long! We miss you Grandma!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


And again this year you got a pile of presents! You were more interested in opening them this year too. Although, just like Christmas, you became really excited about the last gift and couldn't be persuaded to open the next one!

A big hit was the Geotrax electric cars that run on a track. I kind of knew that would be a hit since anything to do with cars is.
Jen got you a little piano/synthesizer which you really liked. Mommy also got you a tool kit since you are obsessed with Daddy's tools.

And Grandma got you your very own lap top so you won't have to use ours anymore! You really liked that too. Grandma and Great-grandma also gave you some money to invest and some gorgeous clothes which were more of a gift for mommy and daddy than you, but hey that's the way it goes!

All our love on your second birthday Will! We love you with all our hearts!

Happy Birthday Trampoline!

You thought you would love this trampoline...and we were right! You hopped right up onto it and helped break it in. I think we are going to have so much fun with this all summer!
It took daddy a long while to set it up but he persevered. Now don't ever ask us to take it down, hehe.

Flowers for Mommy

This was the most adorable thing for me. You (aka Grandma and Great-Grandma) bought me flowers on this special day. You came around the corner and carried them to me and said "I love you." It was enough to make me weepy. My special boy!

And a big kiss to boot!

Second Birthday!

I found this adorable cake in a cookbook for kids and loved it. I tried my best in making it and I think it worked out pretty well!

I think you liked it anyways!
I'm going to try and carry on the tradition of taking a picture with the 3 of us holding up the number you are turning. Too cute! You learned to make the #2 in the poast couple of weeks. (We've been working on #3 already!)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Your First Trip to Tofino

Last weekend Grandma, Great-grandma, mommy, daddy and Will all went to Tofino! You have never been there before and either had Great-Grandma so it was an especially fun treat for you both. You and the girls went up in the afternoon and you were so agreeable, having your nap in the car on the way up and everything. Daddy came up and met us after work.

We got a great weekend of weather, I have never seen so much sun the Tofino before...but the wind was crazy! My hair was blowing sideways and it made us feel really cold! We could only do short bursts out on the beach before we had to head back in.

We stayed in Villa #23 at Pacific Sands and it was perfect for the 5 of us.

Look at us un our matching jammies! 4 generations all together!

It was such a fun weekend all in all. We stopped at the market in Coombs on the way up and the way back (there are such fun things there) and we got you a wooden tool kit and fishing game.

What a fun pre-birthday weekend!