Monday, January 31, 2011

Will's New Room!

Last week Daddy and I painted your room...electric blue! It is a real departure from Mommy's normal colour choices (beige, beige and more beige) so it was a real shocker when we saw how it was all unfolding. We felt like we had to wear sunglasses to go into the room at first but we're getting used to it now. Phew.
It all started when I found this "transportation" fabric by Dwell and loved it for you. You are so into cars and trains and planes so this fabric said it all and I ordered two roman shades for your "little boy" room and went with those colours. Your glider goes perfectly with the scheme and then we also decided to try pulling all the colours together on the opposite side of the room with a striped wall. It is colourtastic in there!!!

Such a cute room for a little boy. We know we are going to be moving you into a "big boy" room some time in the near future but there are still some months left to go here so we thought we might as well make it fun. Now onto the next project of big boy room...soon to follow!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Christmas 2010!

This was a very special Christmas for us because it was your second Christmas and our first in our new house in Nanoose. We moved the Christmas tree straight into the living room and set it up right away since moving day was December 5th. We weren't sure how much of this holiday you would understand, being almost 2. You definnitely know who Santa (Anta) is but don't know what he does. You know what a Christmas tree is and even what reaindeer are but you aren't grasping the idea of Christmas as yet. You knew that you got a whole lot of goodies under the tree but that's about it!
On the big day we tried to get you to open your presents but you were so transfixed with the previous toy you wouldn't tear yourself away from it. You would cry and scream when we tried to pry you away from the last toy so we would open up a new one and show it to you and when you saw the new one you would throw the first toy aside to inspect the new one! It was too funny.

Daddy made his traditional cinnamon bun Christmas tree on the big day!

This year Daddy fulfilled a huge dream of his and bought a Turducken. He was super excited about it but in the end we were a little disappointed with the "meatiness" of it. I know I know, what were we expecting! I think we'll go back to the traditional turkey next year!

I can't wait until next year when we have a little more time to prepare for Christmas and when you'll get the traditions a little bit more. Things are so exciting when we can see them through your eyes. XOXOXOXOX